Turbo is one of those success stories that warms your heart! Turbo was found on the side of the highway when someone noticed a bag moving. To the person’s horror there was a dog in there with a mussel on his face that was put there to die or be run over. Jamie knew this dog needed a chance at a second life. Turbo got his name because once brought to the rescue - he did not stop playing!!! He would run and run with the other dogs and never get tired. Jamie decided to put the story out there & to her delight an amazing family all the way from New Jersey fell in love with Turbo. This family had a dog that looked just like Turbo and they decided they had to have him. There compassion for his story is something we can all learn from. The family drove 22 hours from New Jersey for Turbo. They could not be happier to have him as a new family member in their home along with their other dog. Here is a pic of Turbo with his new family!